June 4, 2014
PGY 41, Day #331
That Just Goes to Show You ... There is Always Something and Time Flies
When I use that common phrase and especially when I add "There is Always Something", Gilda Radner and her character Roseanne Roseannadanna from Saturday Night Live come to mind.
Then, a smile comes over me and, given enough pause, a bit of out loud laughter erupts. AKA LOL. If you are over 40, you probably know of her and, if not, check her out. Your heart and soul will be better for it. Then on to serious business. Yes, humor and laughter are useful healing tactics, but, eventually, we get back to action required.
My point? As PGY #41 draws near to a close, I must apologize to my followers for the limited number of blogs posted here this year. My excuses? Patient Care, Teaching, Administration, Family Care and Veritas Health Care. Yes, most of my "free time" has been spent working and writing for the nonprofit Veritas Health Care
and the Veritas Health Care blog
Please join us at Veritas Health Care. We are the NONPROFIT Veritas Health Care and if you care about health care and want a platform and springboard to help Build Better Health and Health Care you might want to sign up. We continue our efforts to Build Best Practices and to Optimize Quality and Performance Improvement through application of our available tools. We are happy to show you how to use our tools to promote and optimize personal health, family health, community health and health care. We are local and global.
Also, when time permits, I will add teaching points to both blogs. This may create some overlap, but the spectrum of knowledge and skill required for optimal self care knows no boundaries. In other words, I am willing and able to teach anyone who is motivated to learn. So, with that in mind, please forward specific questions or comments on any Health and Health Care related subjects.
Thanks for caring.
Dr. Mike
Michael F. Mascia, MD, MPH