Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mission: Healing for Kids

If you look through these images you will see a few of the
Life is Love(TM), StepWisely(R) Whimsical Words For Kids ...
Simple Messages for Healthy Kids.  These are the Simple of the Simple for Little Kids
Soon we will put them in a collection for Parents and Children ...
Part of the StepWisley(R) System for Healthy Kids and Families
Dr. Mike!/Dr_Mike_IHS/media/slideshow?

Mission: Healing for Kids, StepWisely(R) & Life Is Love(TM)

(C) MFMascia, MD, MPH & IHS 2010

Life Is Love (TM): Whimsical Words With A Serious Meaning for Kids, part of the StepWisely(R) System for Individual and Family Health Development

Mission: Healing September 24, 2011

PGY 39, Day # 86

Medicine by the Numbers is Painting an Unacceptable Picture ... Strike that
Medicine by the Numbers: Painting an Ugly and Unacceptable Picture of Money and Profit Over Patient Care
These are not new thoughts for me, but, rather recurrent thoughts ... triggered by my observations on the front lines of patient care ... and the picture gets worse ... and worse with every passing day.  With every passing day, it gets harder and harder for the front line providers to give the best possible care.  It is a struggle to say the least, and the bottom line is this: The Business of Medicine DOES NOT equal The Profession of Medicine and The Art of Medicine, and therein lies the problem.  Business guys want to earn money, and Doctors want to ... and are obliged BY OATH to take care of patients.  So, as I see it, the Profession of Medicine ... the Doctor Patient Relationship ...  has been hijacked by the Business of Medicine, so patient care providers are only valued in so much as they can generate $$$ for the business.  In other words, the Business Guys are riding on the backs of patients and providers (AKA the Doctor-Patient Relationship), driving the Doctor-Patient Relationship toward the MONEY, skimming off the top (30-60%) and Patients are falling through the cracks, because their health care needs are not being met.  It is Ugly, Unacceptable, Unethical, Immoral and probably, if not illegal, on the edge of legality. 
But these Business Guys do have excuses for their bad behavior, and they are protected by corporate structure from the bad outcomes that they produce in the process of driving the line toward greater "productivity" and pushing providers into situations that result in cutting corners and lowering quality.  What do Business Guys know about quality patient care?  Nothing!  Do they care about patient care?  No!  They care about the bottom line, profits, bonuses, money in their pockets and corporate profits ... that is their business.
I have posted a Top Ten Target ( TTnT(TM)) Solution List in the past, and I will post it again in my new blog, but for now, I  will share the piece posted on my website blog ... in November 2008.  As you review this post, keep in mind one simple fact: The Business of Medicine DOES NOT EQUAL The Profession, Practice and Art of Medicine.  Therefore, The Business of Medicine DOES NOT & CAN NOT PROVIDE for optimal patient care.
"By Dr. Mike Nov. 26, 2008 at (Updated Nov. 26, 20
08 at ) 
Medicine by the Numbers is Painting an Unacceptable Picture
Do you remember those “Paint by the Numbers” kits we used when we were kids? Have you ever used one? Have you seen the results? Sure, on the cover they show a masterpiece partly completed to perfection by the numbers.
Then, you or your child eagerly rips the kit open in anticipation and rushes to create your own copy of the masterpiece. You paint away by dutifully dipping your brush into each little container and carefully applying each color in the proper spot … yes, “according to the numbers.” After hours of careful work you have finished … ah … and you hold your finished product up to stare in admiration … only to find that you have created something that, at best, only grossly resembles the masterpiece. The finished product is most likely gross; a very disappointing and poor representation of the real masterpiece upon which the kit is based.
When I stand back and look at the products we deliver in American medicine today, it is only rarely that I see a true masterpiece … the work of a master craftsman. Frankly, I am often grossed out by what I see. Why? Currently, American Medicine is done “by the numbers.”
What do I mean? Modern American medicine is driven by reimbursement and not by patient needs, so many patients fall through the cracks. Hospitals and other care systems have clearly been forming their organizational structures and operational strategies based upon the “return on investment” and other production principles … the same business systems that drive factories, assembly lines and factory workers. Nothing against return on investment, production principles, business systems, factories, assembly lines and factory workers, but the model simply does not work in healthcare.
When I started working as a Critical Care Anesthesiologist at Tulane University Hospital in 1999, it soon became apparent that patients were being treated like hamburgers in a fast food chain, and I often said, “They treat patients like hamburgers … as if they were all the same … as if they all needed the same treatment for the same diagnosis.” I would say, “Imagine trying to run an airline … with 100% special need customers. It could not be done. But, each patient is a special need customer.  Patients don’t fit into the cattle herding and hamburger production models, and that is one of the reasons why many hospital administrators have no understanding …
This outrageous situation can and must be fixed.  I will share my "Open Letter to President Obama" that I posted soon after his election, so you too can see my suggestions for moving back toward a more health and healthful health care system.
To be continued ...
Dr. Mike

Friday, September 16, 2011

Mission: Healing September 16, 2011

PGY 39, Day #78

More on Obesity: A Reiteration of Facts - Eat Well and Move

The surprising fact is that the causes & the solutions are simple, clear and intuitively obvious. However, the facts have been obscured by wishful thinking and cultural trends that are driven by $$$. These trends have become part of childhood programming and the fabric of our institutions. These must be driven back toward basic human needs and provision of proper services to meet those NEEDS ... not desires, or wishful thinking derived from God knows where.
I will elaborate over time ... again ... and again ... as the fundamentals have not changed, nor will they ever change. Focus on the nature of the beast!

Have a Happy Friday!

Dr. Mike
PS. I will try to link this to my last post on obesity.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mission: Healing September 15, 2011

PGY 39, Day # 77

Today's Whimsical Wake Up

The pouring rain was roaring,
but sleep called me back.
Then to my surprise,
sun poked me in the eyes,
and said,
"You better get out of bed!"

Happy Thursday!
Dr. Mike

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mission: Healing September 14, 2011

PGY 39: Day 76

Last night, Silence broken ...
A symphony ...
Crickets sing summer's swan song,
heralding today's sweet sunshine.

Happy Wednesday!

Dr. Mike

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mission: Healing September 11, 2011

PGY 39, Day 73

The Moment

Morning Sunbeams Warm

Birdsong and crickets fill the cool breeze

Swinging trees

green leaves sparkle,

dance and sway with a "Hushhhhh"  ...

Ah, Sweet Moment ... Eternal

Memories, first fond ... warm wishes, dreams and desires penetrate ...

then fade into darkness,  heartache and misery.

Memories for those who suffer, and have suffered,

at the hands of men and in the name of God.

HAVE A GREAT DAY! & StepWisely(R)
Dr. Mike

Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission: Healing September 9, 2011

PGY 39, Day #71
The Obesity Pandemic

A few introductory words on Obesity would be in order ... absolute fundamentals that can be used with some certainty.

StepWisely(R), folks.

1. Obesity is a serious problem with serious adverse health consequences.
2. The number of obese people is increasing (both frequency and prevalence are increasing).
3. We are hard-wired for obesity by the time birth (genetic capacity for obesity at conception)
4. Programming for obesity starts at the time of birth and some might argue at the time of conception
5. continues through preschool years and
6. is reinforced in schools.
7. Reinforcement of the obesity program continues into the world of work, play and recreation.

8. MOVE MORE = Motion is good & we are made to move = MOVE MORE
9. EAT LESS = Too much food is bad = EAT LESS
10. EAT WISELY = smart foods only: high in nutrient value/low in "empty calories" = EAT WISELY

Here again is a link that will bring you to reliable and required background reading.

To be continued ... as a part of our StepWisely(R) series.

Dr. Mike

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mission: Healing September 6, 2011

PGY 39, Day # 68

More on Stupid: Moron, Stupid!

Some might ask, "What brought on this ranting about stupid?", or "Why now?" Well, I am not sure, but it seems to me that my Katrina Flashbacks, brought on by Irene ... seeing that Irene is about 6 years behind Katrina. And, my experience with Katrina was summarized as "an exercise in stupidity." So, clearly, I have been thinking about this for quite some time, and I have written some about it, but kept those writings to myself. Perhaps they needed time to mature ... time to be nurtured and grown, and I needed time to get comfortable with the idea of giving birth to such thoughts. In any case, now, because of the modern wonders of technology, we have reached the stage where my thoughts can be typed and published for world distribution ... in a matter of seconds. That is amazing! That is smart! That is the opposite of stupid ... which brings me back to more on stupid.

What is the Worst Kind of Stupid?

Clearly there is a Hierarchy of Stupid Human Behavior. I would rank Stupid Behavior on the simple basis of how many people are hurt by the consequences of the stupid thoughts and actions of a particular individual.

So, for example, stupid decisions by individuals, organizations, NOLA, LA and federal leaders before Katrina (during the days, weeks and years before) resulted in bad things for many people, as well as injury and deaths for some. Clearly ... some of the issues were beyond the control of those in power on the day the storm hit, but that's no excuse for bad thinking and behavior as the storm approached, eh?

Another example might be Hitler ... he is a good (?, well, he was not good, but he is the perfect example of, perhaps the pinnacle of the stupid triangle) one to use as an example, because he mesmerized the German people and many around the world with his nonsensical wishful thinking, then duped these people into carrying out his evil mission for fear of retaliation of one sort or another. I am sorry to say, that Hitler was only able to carry out his mission, to the extent that he caused so much pain, suffering and death around the world, because early in his regime he bought the Medical Profession in Germany. (Read "The Nazi Doctors" by Robert Jay Lifton for insight into how Hitler duped the Doctors.) I dare say that, had "Nazi Doctors" resisted ... had they not fallen in line with Hitler, they could have brought him to a halt before he got his machine going. "It is what it is", to quote Machiavelli, and as history tells us the story unfolded, Hitler, for whatever reason(s) was able to carry out his STUPID (pure selfishness? psychopath?) mission ... to an extent. It has been done by Hitler and the world still lives with his fallout. So, I do put him at the top of the stupid list ... at the pinnacle of the stupid triangle ... Hitler, a man who wanted to dominate the world at any cost.

As you look around at today's world leaders, how would you rank them? Hmmmm ...

And, in your daily life, looking at yourself, and others around you, where do we ... where does each of us fit in the stupidity ranking? Tough thoughts ... look in the mirror first ...

Move Away From Stupidity: Do The Right Thing

Enough on Stupidity, at least for now, because there is no longer any need to wallow in it. We now have instant access to the world with words and deeds. Each and all of us (at least most) have the ability ... the capacity to think clearly and to express ourselves in a positive, creative and (not stupid) productive way. Not yet, but soon, virtually all humans will have the freedom to speak to the world directly ... and in seconds. Now, those of us who do have freedom can spread good words and deeds that resonate with humans everywhere.

Yes, the common ground is there ... for us to love and be loved in return, to care and be cared for, and to keep the world on the positive track of freedom, mutual respect and dignity. Our instincts are (animal) survival instincts (selfish), but we have the capacity to be much better than that. It can be done, and now, we have easy access to large numbers of people throughout the free world, so building a critical mass of people who want to do the right things should be relatively easy. We no longer have any excuses, we have freedom to speak and act properly in our own space and in the world community within seconds.

The energy required to move away from our instinctive (selfish, stupid) behavior is significant, but the rewards are great. First ... self control comes first and then a willingness to help others. Once these things are done ... helping those around you ... one at a time ... family, then community, state, nation and world. Yes, now that the world is much smaller ... we now have the tools to break out of mundane survival routines and to live and love and grow each other. Let's do it together! Let's DO THE RIGHT THING! LIFE IS LOVE(TM)

Thank about it, and let me know what you think.

I will start posting bits and pieces of "The Stress Management Workbook: An action plan for taking control of your life and health" on this blog, if I can figure out how to do it. Some might find it useful. Even though we originally had it published 30 years ago, it is still quite relevant. After all, the fundamentals never change.

Have a nice day.

Dr. Mike

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mission: Healing September 4, 2011

PGY 39, Day #66

Talk about *Stupid?

Sure, some are offended by my use of the word, stupid.  But ... why?  It is a perfectly fine word, and it describes some of the most common human behaviors.  I know,I know ... I too was raised thinking it is not right to use the word, with the frequent admonition; "Don't call anyone stupid.  That is a bad word." I think it is because, as kids, when we learned the word, it generally implied a personal attack on one of our "friends" and the implication was that whomever we were calling "stupid" had a congenital or acquired form of stupidity; as in low intelligence or brain damage ... something permanent. But, that is only one of many possible uses, and the word is actually very rich with meaning and potential applications.
I generally prefer to use the word to describe behavior that occurs when the particular person is in a stupor, as in NOT congenitally stupid and NOT stupid because of any permanent disability, but stupid, because they are under the influence of something causing distorted thinking, or less than optimal thinking, or lack of thinking. Temporary stupidity, or stupor, generally implies reversibility and that the individual sometimes has the capacity for normal thinking. It implies decision making and behavior based upon less than the full thinking capacity the particular individual has when the mind is clear.


The causes of temporary stupidity are countless, but here are a few that I see regularly: drugs, alcohol, money, ego, sex, competition, power, selfishness, greed, fatigue, fear, hunger, injury, fever, illness and on and on ... with many of the causes overlapping. And, don't forget that some forms of new onset stupidity may be, or may become permanent. For example alcoholism can cause vitamin deficiency and Wernike-Korsakoff Syndrome, brain damage, organic brain syndromes, seizures and other permanent forms of stupidity. Certain intoxicating and other drugs can do the same thing. Then there are the consequences of the bad behavior that occurs during the stupor: these are generally injuries to the head, or secondary injuries to the brain, after preventable life threatening trauma.

What about animals?

Can animals be stupid? Sure, why not, but, as compared to stupid humans, stupid animals generally don't have the capacity to create large scale chaos and damage when they behave badly, below capacity, or out of character.

Stupid Me!

It was not until I turned 50 ish that I gave myself permission to use the word, stupid. That was the age at which I had become wise enough to know and admit ... wise enough to be willing to accuse and judge myself to be stupid/wrong/dumb.  Once I admitted ... that I actually could be ... that I had the capacity to be stupid ... it was easy to see that I had actually been stupid ... not only for a moment, but clearly, I had been through several "stupid years".  It was only after that recognition, awareness and acceptance of stupidity, that I was willing to admit that there was such a thing as stupid, stupid is real and that I am not the only one capable of stupid behavior.  Let me expand.

*Stupid, the word:

OK, let's examine the word and its meaning.

The word, stupid, according to Webster and others, (Online & Webster's Collegiate Dictionary & their "New Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged, Second Edition - Deluxe Color") comes to English from Latin and French words (stupidus and stupere) in the year 1541 as "to be benumbed, be astonished".  Further, Webster defines stupid as "1.a.Slow of mind" (no causation there), "1.b. Given to unintelligent decisions or acts: acting in an unintelligent or careless manner (recent Congressional behavior), "1.c. Lacking intelligence or reason" (hmmmm ... anybody know any of these kind?), "2.Dulled in feeling or sensation" (ring any bells?), "3. Marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting" (shocking!)and, "Lacking interest or point" (the decision itself, I presume?)

Well, I have to say, alright then, next question is, "What is the worst kind of stupid?" I have my opinion, but that is for the next installment.

And, for now, think about this; how many of you go from day to day, day after day, week, month and year ... just going through the motions? How many of you take the time to think about what you are going to do short and long term? How many of you have a rational strategic plan? Well, if you don't think about this stuff, does that mean you are being ... ? I am not going to say it.

Oh, and, what if a congressman, or woman were to say certain things, or do certain things, in order to get reelected, even if those words, or behaviors were irresponsible, immoral, unethical & not serving the best interests of the people he or she is elected to serve. Is that stupid?

Think about this; We are herd animals ... yes we humans are herd animals, and when one of us steps "out of line" it is disquieting to the rest. And, of course we do want approval. And, are you afraid to step "out of line" because you fear retaliation? Would you step "out of line" if you were not stepping alone?

Veritas est!

To be continued ...

Dr. Mike

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mission: Healing September 3, 2011

PGY 39, Day 65

Katrina Flashbacks, brought on by Irene

On this day, 6 years ago I wrote ... these are the words as they appear on the handwritten page

"September 3, 2005
10:09 AM
Lafayette Airport

F****** MORONS (underlined)

That's my bottom line assessment after the last few days we have been through. I thought of Dante's Inferno, but don't know the book well enough to quote it. But, levels of hell from bad to worse continued day after day. This is Day 6; day 5 after Katrina --- what a bitch she was.
Yesterday, I don't really know what time it was, we were evacuated after all the patients, then patient families, staff and staff families. We went out on a Chinook with some of the animal people and the last few came shortly thereafter. So, chopper to NOLA (Armstrong International)Airport then bus to Lafayette (SW Hospital) after a fairly long delay for decontamination ... that is throw away shoes (dammit, my good sandals from Key West), shower, shave, new underwear, scrubs, sandals (foam flip flops), throw away deodorant and toothbrush. Then I got a DT booster and the antibiotics (which I did not take) and they lined us up for busses to a shelter. My nightmare thought was --- the shelter will be the super dome."

Guess I was a little cranky at the time, eh?

Ciao for now,

Dr. Mike

Mission: Healing September 3, 2011

PGY 39, Day 65

Dawning on me

This morning,
awakened ... sound ...
Silence broken.

Distant thunder rolling over northern hills?

Frequent, loud ... Alarming.  

At first, uncertain ...
But, dawn turned to darkness,
Then came rain ...
lightning and thunder,
far, near then gone.

Yes, sure,  
She rumbled on.

Now light, gentle rain and peace,
not war.

Dr. Mike

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mission: Healing September 2, 2011

PGY 39, Day # 64

Katrina Flashbacks ... brought on by Irene ... after which storm(s), some are still suffering the after effects.

On this day, exactly 6 years ago, we were evacuated from Tulane University Hospital ... and the thought of it brings back a raft of bad gut feelings. The "Katrina experience" was a life changing exercise in stupidity ... which I rode through with no "losses" and in good spirits as I continued to do my work. I was able to do this work, because I was with friends and trusted coworkers, and had no worries about my family: all of them were safe, secure, and tucked in far away from the madness in New Orleans. I say, "no losses", but that's a statement worthy of further consideration ... but not now. Clearly, she taught me a lot and I say that I am a Recovering Katrina Refugee, but I was one of the luck ones ... more later ... not now.
Anyway, as I look back on it, it was as if, Katrina, the superior being, had strategically planned a mission to put the worst of human behavior and human stupidity on display ... as if she was thinking, "Let's try this, just to see how stupid these humans are." Well, we all know that She planned nothing. But, She did prove how stupid we can be. Six years ago, after I got out and during my self assigned "debriefing" I wrote a poem about this. Maybe I will post it on this blog some day.

Here are a few quotes, exactly as they were written ... from "Inside Katrina", the story I put together with a Disaster Preparedness presentation, soon after the storm.

"Day 5: 06:54 AM Communication - Sending Signals by Example (Doing)(cont.)

Before we know it, everyone in the place is doing the same thing in the area surrounding their waiting place. Astonishing ... the signal was sent, the mission was accomplished in less than 15 minutes, and everything was neat, including all the empty wheelchairs, stretchers and hospital equipment ... and in order sans loose trash. It dawned on me at that moment ... the importance of leadership sending signals by DOING. All non verbal communication."

Later that day I wrote,

"Note on Friday, September 2, 2005

"Friday 11:49 AM
Now at the airport (NOLA) after our evacuation via Chinook helicopter with most of the animals. Helicopters and pelple pouring in here."


"Great sensitivity training for homelessness."

while waiting for busses to take us to shelters.

To be continued ...

Dr. Mike
PS. The whole story is available with photos, assessment, and "Disaster Preparedness Lessons Learned From Katrina" via my website.