Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mission: Healing September 4, 2011

PGY 39, Day #66

Talk about *Stupid?

Sure, some are offended by my use of the word, stupid.  But ... why?  It is a perfectly fine word, and it describes some of the most common human behaviors.  I know,I know ... I too was raised thinking it is not right to use the word, with the frequent admonition; "Don't call anyone stupid.  That is a bad word." I think it is because, as kids, when we learned the word, it generally implied a personal attack on one of our "friends" and the implication was that whomever we were calling "stupid" had a congenital or acquired form of stupidity; as in low intelligence or brain damage ... something permanent. But, that is only one of many possible uses, and the word is actually very rich with meaning and potential applications.
I generally prefer to use the word to describe behavior that occurs when the particular person is in a stupor, as in NOT congenitally stupid and NOT stupid because of any permanent disability, but stupid, because they are under the influence of something causing distorted thinking, or less than optimal thinking, or lack of thinking. Temporary stupidity, or stupor, generally implies reversibility and that the individual sometimes has the capacity for normal thinking. It implies decision making and behavior based upon less than the full thinking capacity the particular individual has when the mind is clear.


The causes of temporary stupidity are countless, but here are a few that I see regularly: drugs, alcohol, money, ego, sex, competition, power, selfishness, greed, fatigue, fear, hunger, injury, fever, illness and on and on ... with many of the causes overlapping. And, don't forget that some forms of new onset stupidity may be, or may become permanent. For example alcoholism can cause vitamin deficiency and Wernike-Korsakoff Syndrome, brain damage, organic brain syndromes, seizures and other permanent forms of stupidity. Certain intoxicating and other drugs can do the same thing. Then there are the consequences of the bad behavior that occurs during the stupor: these are generally injuries to the head, or secondary injuries to the brain, after preventable life threatening trauma.

What about animals?

Can animals be stupid? Sure, why not, but, as compared to stupid humans, stupid animals generally don't have the capacity to create large scale chaos and damage when they behave badly, below capacity, or out of character.

Stupid Me!

It was not until I turned 50 ish that I gave myself permission to use the word, stupid. That was the age at which I had become wise enough to know and admit ... wise enough to be willing to accuse and judge myself to be stupid/wrong/dumb.  Once I admitted ... that I actually could be ... that I had the capacity to be stupid ... it was easy to see that I had actually been stupid ... not only for a moment, but clearly, I had been through several "stupid years".  It was only after that recognition, awareness and acceptance of stupidity, that I was willing to admit that there was such a thing as stupid, stupid is real and that I am not the only one capable of stupid behavior.  Let me expand.

*Stupid, the word:

OK, let's examine the word and its meaning.

The word, stupid, according to Webster and others, (Online & Webster's Collegiate Dictionary & their "New Twentieth Century Dictionary, Unabridged, Second Edition - Deluxe Color") comes to English from Latin and French words (stupidus and stupere) in the year 1541 as "to be benumbed, be astonished".  Further, Webster defines stupid as "1.a.Slow of mind" (no causation there), "1.b. Given to unintelligent decisions or acts: acting in an unintelligent or careless manner (recent Congressional behavior), "1.c. Lacking intelligence or reason" (hmmmm ... anybody know any of these kind?), "2.Dulled in feeling or sensation" (ring any bells?), "3. Marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting" (shocking!)and, "Lacking interest or point" (the decision itself, I presume?)

Well, I have to say, alright then, next question is, "What is the worst kind of stupid?" I have my opinion, but that is for the next installment.

And, for now, think about this; how many of you go from day to day, day after day, week, month and year ... just going through the motions? How many of you take the time to think about what you are going to do short and long term? How many of you have a rational strategic plan? Well, if you don't think about this stuff, does that mean you are being ... ? I am not going to say it.

Oh, and, what if a congressman, or woman were to say certain things, or do certain things, in order to get reelected, even if those words, or behaviors were irresponsible, immoral, unethical & not serving the best interests of the people he or she is elected to serve. Is that stupid?

Think about this; We are herd animals ... yes we humans are herd animals, and when one of us steps "out of line" it is disquieting to the rest. And, of course we do want approval. And, are you afraid to step "out of line" because you fear retaliation? Would you step "out of line" if you were not stepping alone?

Veritas est!

To be continued ...

Dr. Mike

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